Best Blog Themes For WordPress And Blogger

Sharing with you the best blog themes for WordPress! I highly recommend these blog themes if you’re planning on giving your blog a brand new look.

Best blog themes for WordPress

If I were to name one thing that could make or break your blog in an instant, it’s your blog’s theme.

A blog theme is the overall appearance of a blog – where your posts show up, how your side bar looks, where your logo sits, the fonts, the way your page menu works and all the finer little details. Also called a ‘template’ or ‘design’, a theme is what enables you to have a drop-down menu, an image slideshow and an interesting footer. It’s a whole lot of blog coding, already done for you.

Why is a blog theme important?

Think of a theme like the packaging of a makeup palette. You could have the best eye shadow formula in the world, but unless you place it in good packaging, it’s not going to look appealing and therefore, it won’t sell.

Here’s another way to look at it – you may not be that great at blog photography (just yet), however, if you put what you can do in shiny, great-looking packaging (a new theme)… your work will look better in an instant! It’s a great way to grow your following, faster.

It’s important to make sure your blog shows up correctly on a mobile device, as Google will penalize you in search rankings if it’s not. This is called a ‘responsive’ theme, which means when your blog is viewed on a mobile or tablet device, it’s still easy to navigate and looks great too. Most themes these days are responsive, however if you can see your entire layout when you look at your blog on your phone, as it appears on your computer screen, then it isn’t.

If you’re not feeling confident with your blog, a new theme can almost trick yourself and your readers into believing your blog is better and more professional. It can motivate you to create more content, it makes a great first impression for new readers and it also makes the experience of moving around your blog so much better.

How does a theme work?

A theme is added to your blog in your blog’s dashboard, where you have all the coding and other settings. In Blogger it’s in the Theme section and in WordPress it’s in Appearance > Themes.

When you purchase a blog theme from another site, you will receive a file instantly which you can upload directly to your blog – this will change your blog’s design all in one go. More often than not, you don’t have to worry about HTML coding at all, but if you do, there will always be easy-to-follow instructions included in your purchase. Some sites even offer installation as part of the price, they may sell it separately or have a video showing you how to do it. If you have the patience though, it’s not hard to set up yourself.

You can change your blog’s theme at any time (and as many times as you want) along your blogging journey. I didn’t buy a theme for Blog Pixie for so long, as I always just did my own coding and sorted it out myself. Eventually though, I wanted more of a professional, interactive design so that Blog Pixie could be more of a business than just a blog. I decided to make the move from Blogger to WordPress and purchased an interactive theme to achieve the look you see today.

Most themes are fully customizable, so once you have it installed you should be able to change colours, fonts and add/remove different sections to suit your branding and your blog’s needs.

Where can I get the best blog themes?

Following are some of the best blog themes to give your blog a brand new look. Make sure you purchase one that is specifically for your blogging platform. If you blog on WordPress, don’t buy a Blogger theme! Make sure it’s a WordPress one 🙂

Best Themes For WordPress Blogs

I have a selection of WordPress themes available in my store. They’re professional, minimalist and affordable while showing off your blog content in the best way. You can change the color to suit your branding and upload your own header image.

best wordpress themes for bloggers
Sasha Rose WordPress Theme

Purchasing a theme for your blog is so worth it. I truly believe it’s one of the best blogging investments you can make and I definitely wish I had bought one a lot sooner!

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  1. These themes are just gorgeous! I definitely agree, I wish I've invested in a theme sooner. As my blog is quite small I wasn'y sure how much I wanted to spend in the beginning. I spent hours designing my own blog header and I'm quite happy with how it turned out. I didn't realise I could fall in love with my blog all over again after giving it a little revamp. Lovely post!

    -Sophie xx | Cherries and Perfume

  2. Vanessa,

    Just found your blog and already love it. Thank you for sharing and I'm excited because I'm in the very beginning stages of rebranding. I'm somewhat nervous and not sure how to handle things, but I'm going to look into these companies you recommended. Thanks so much!


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