How To Add A Blog Post Signature

Today I thought I’d show you how to add a signature to your blog posts, as it’s very easy to do and I think it’s a great little personal addition to finish off your writing and potentially increase engagement in the comments section. A signature within a blog post reinforces the idea that the content you’re reading is created by a real person on the other side of the screen. It adds a touch of personality, friendliness and builds a connection between yourself and the reader.

How to add a blog post signature

A signature can be whatever you want it to be. You can use a font or your own handwriting, you can write your name or simply ‘xox’. A few ideas include:

Blog Post Signature Ideas

Your Own Handwriting

If you’re wanting to create a blog post signature from your own handwriting, you can draw it up on your iPad or if you don’t have an iPad, all you have to do is:

  1. Write it down on a white piece of paper.
  2. Take a photo of it with your phone.
  3. Use an editing app like PS Express to crop away the edges, increase the exposure, darken the shadows or blacks
  4. You should be left with your dark writing on a pure white background. Email it to yourself and upload!

A Stylish Font

If you want a signature created for you in a stylish font to place at the bottom of your posts, please see my blog post signature item in the Blog Pixie shop. I can create it at the exact size you need for it to fit perfectly at the bottom of your posts.

How To Add A Blog Post Signature

There are a few different ways you can add your signature into a post. For both Blogger and WordPress, you can upload it as an image at the bottom of your post. If it’s already the correct size, you don’t need to select a size option, however if you have a big signature image, you just need to click edit on the image then select one of the smallest size options.

For WordPress

I recommend manually adding it in as an image at the bottom of each post, as it doesn’t take too much time to do. I have spotted a plugin called WP Post Signature if you’re interested in checking that out, however the more you can avoid additional plugins the better, as they will slow down your site. Adding it as an image takes a few seconds if you have the signature already in your Media library.


When you’re writing a blog post in the post editor, simply click on ‘Image’ then upload your signature image, click Apply.

For Blogger

If you’d like to have your signature go automatically into your posts:

  1. Upload your signature image to a free image host. I recommend
  2. They will provide you with several link options for your uploaded image. Copy the ‘Direct Link’ option.
Upload A Signature To Your Blog Posts

3. In your Blogger menu, go to Settings > Posts, Comments & Sharing > then find the section that says ‘Post Template’.

4. You will need to paste the following code into that box, and paste your ‘Direct Link’ image URL in the place of the writing that says “yourimageURLhere”.

<center><br><img src=https://yourimageURLhere></center>

The ‘center’ tags will place your image in the center of the post (instead of over to the left), and the ‘br’ tag means there’s a space above the signature, so there’s a line of space between your last bit of writing and the signature.

Click the orange ‘Save Settings’ button top right to save your new sig, then create a new post and you will see the image pop up in there automatically.

You should now have your very own signature for the bottom of your blog posts!

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  1. I already have my signature created and uploaded to Google Albums. When I try to insert it as a picture to the bottom of my posts, though, the background of my signature is visible and looks bad. How do I make the background blend in with the background of my blog posts? Thanks for your help!

  2. Hi, I just arrived to your blog from Pinterest. This is actually a really good idea. It would add a personal touch to blog posts that are “love letters” or other personal text. I might even just try designing it in an image editor myself then simply upload it to a blog post whenever I want it.

  3. Hi, very helpful your post, I must add my signature now to my blog lol,. I will also like to know how to customize the share bottoms in a pink color like yours? Can you let me know thanks
    I am sharing your pin 😃

  4. This is such a cute idea! The thought of adding a signature at the bottom of my posts hadn’t ever occurred to me. But now that I’ve heard of it, I need to start doing it.

    Thank you so much for the idea!


    My blog:

  5. I am trying to use this to add a signature to my posts. I uploaded my image to my media library then grabbed the image source code and pasted that into the box Advert Code . However, just the code displays on my posts and no image. How do I correctly generate a code so that my image displays? Thanks!

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